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Attached you find an example with 3 unsymmetrical voltage sources. It is required to use 3 symmetrical voltage sources and to connect them to the load busbar using 3 single-conductor cables (phase A…
To assign a new symbol to an object proceed as follows: Right click on the object you wish to change and select the option Change Symbol. In the dialogue that appears use the button Copy Symbol to…
For custom colouring there are two possibilities: Text colour of text boxes depending on IF-condition. For example if P>10 then colour the active power value in the result box of the line red: #.##…
One easy solution is to temporarily increase the size of your graphic by choosing the next higher page size. Subsequently move the off-page elements and then return to your original page size.…
To determine the number of digits used for axes values in subplots, refer to the User Manual, Chapter "Reporting and Visualising Results", Section "User-Defined Styles".…
For being able to consider frequency dependent network impedances you may use the Voltage Source element (ElmVac) or the External Grid element (ElmXnet). On the Harmonics-page, frequency…
To assign a spectrum to the load element, firstly add a load type to the load element and then set the model to current source. The spectrum must be defined and assigned under the Harmonics page of…
An ideal symmetrical system has the following phase shifts for harmonics of the nth order:A: 0°B: -n*120°C: n*120°For the third harmonic, for example, the phase shifts amount to:A: 0°B: -360°C:…
In the attached project (RippleControl.pfd) two different methods of modelling ripple control systems are illustrated: The study case "Serial Infeed" shows the simplified way by just inserting a…
There are two ways to simulate the harmonic voltage distortion from the feeding grid: To model the infeed as a voltage source and entering the harmonics on the Harmonics page. To model the infeed as…