Your search returned 56 items.
It is possible to use the results of the Prony Analysis in a DSL model in order to generate a synthetic time domain curve as a summation of all resulting individual components. The generated curve can…
Please refer to the attached files, containing an EMT-Simulation example of a three-phase three-level neutral point clamped (3L-NPC) converter. The converter controller is available in Matlab Simulink…
PowerFactory offers with the simulation scan also the possibility to observe the solver. This allows the user to define a parameter simulation scan which can stop the simulation in case of high number…
During the simulation of an Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU) generated from Matlab Simulink in PowerFactory the simulation start time needs to be set to zero (start time [attribute tstart] in the page…
The attached project is based on the medium voltage distribution network benchmark developed by Cigré (European configuration) [1]. The MV network includes two points of connection to the upstream HV…
Refer to attached example. It contains an IBR model and a three-phase fault is simulated in both RMS and EMT. The IBR model can operate in both RMS and EMT, whereas in EMT it can be changed from an…