How can I obtain the floating license on my local machine to use PowerFactory 15?

Installation and Licensing

The possibility to use the “floating license” in PowerFactory 15.0, 15.1 and 15.2 has to be given to the user by the Administrator. Therefore "Administrator" logs on to PowerFactory and enables that feature by editing the user's ‘License’ sheet.
After this step, users can checkout licenses for offline usage, when connected to a license server as follows:
- Login as user
- Go to ‘Help’ -> ‘Generate Floating License’
This will create a local softkey on the users machine, containing all license modules that were given to the user by the Administrator. This license as well as the defined license modules are no longer available on the server license.
The floating license is valid for a maximum of 30 days. After that period the floating license is automatically destroyed and returned to the license server. To relogon manually to the License server please startup “PowerFactory 15.x (Configuration)”. At the “License” sheet choose “PowerFactory Server”.
For more detailed information about the License Server settings itself, please refer to the installation manual.
