How can I reconnect an element without losing the objects within the cubicle?


The recommended way to reconnect an edge element (line, transformer, motor, etc.) is the followed:

  • Select the cubicle at the respective terminal/bus and activate Disconnect Side.
  • Select the edge element and activate Connect Element. The sides which are not yet connected may now be linked to a bus/terminal. You will find that any elements which found themselves in the cubicle before are lost.


To avoid the loss of elements stored within the cubicle you will have to buffer them in a safe location, e.g. the Windows clipboard. To do so, proceed as follows:

  • Select the cubicle of the edge element you want to change. Then you activate Edit Devices.
  • A list of protection elements stored within the cubicle appears. Select them and activate Cut. They are now stored in the Windows clipboard.
  • Re-select the cubicle and activate Disconnect Side.
  • Reconnect the edge to any other terminal/bus, just like described before.
  • Select the new cubicle and activate Edit Devices.
  • Once more a list of switches and protection elements within the cubicle appears.


As this is a new cubicle no protection devices will exist. Right-click into this list and activate Paste to enter the devices from the old cubicle.

It is necessary to re-adjust the protection relay settings as the change in the network topology may lead to different tripping limits.
