Your search returned 27 items.
There are several ways to access a csv file via Python. In this example the csv file is managed as document in the StationWare library and will be accessed by the script using the document ID. The…
The script includes following functionality: Accessing a csv file and searching for the corresponding locations in StationWare. After getting the location in StationWare change the value of the…
Select the top level location to create regions/areas/substations. This will be defined in the script itself in the get_parameters() function as obligatory parameter. def get_parameters():…
Define the get_parameter() function to select the location of interest. def get_parameters(): var1=Parameters.Create("location","Location" )var1.Description='Please select a…
Yes, this task can be done by using our Python Scripting feature. For example, create a report of the I>, I>> and I>>> functions of a P139 relay. Do the following three operations:…
It seems that you have tried to login with the wrong password or user name too many times. In this case StationWare is blocking your user until it gets unlocked by the StationWare administrator.…
Login in to StationWare by using Windows Accounts, StationWare verifies the credentials with the Microsoft Windows Server Active Directory. In case that the Active Directory does not contain the…
In cases of updating to new service packs (SP x) and not to new versions (for example: updating 2020 to 2020 SP1) it is not necessary to run the StationWare update tool. The StationWare update tool…
Yes, it is possible to login to StationWare by using the Windows Account Authorization (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS), and Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)). To use…
If a user is not able to change the lifecycle status of a setting/task, it seems that he does not have the corresponding write access. There are three different kind of rights to handle the access on…