New challenges such as reverse power flow and voltage rise due to distributed generation, as well as the integration of e-mobility, have led to an increased complexity in the planning and operation of distribution networks. Handling the associated analyses calls for sophisticated and comprehensive network optimisation tools.

To handle these challenges, PowerFactory offers a wide range of powerful tools and functions. Using built-in interfaces, the creation of the network and the input of measurement values can be achieved using GIS and SCADA data. Based on this data, the current state of the network can be analysed, for example to evaluate the hosting capacity for load and generation. For further optimisation of the network, there are numerous functions available, such as tie open point optimisation, voltage profile optimisation, phase balance optimisation, and optimal equipment placement.
A user-friendly time sweep simulation function facilitates analysis of the impact on the network infrastructure of both conventional generation and renewables, taking into account volatile distributed generation and storage systems with user-defined controls.

Relevant features and functions


  • Load models using standard load profiles or smart meter data
  • Models for PV systems based on solar radiation, electric vehicles, battery storage, etc.
  • Innovative equipment (distribution transformer with OLTC, voltage regulators, reactive power control schemes, etc.)
  • Dynamic and topologically dependant feeders, essential for many distribution system applications
  • User-defined models for load flow and quasi dynamic simulation (QDSL models

User Interface

  • Geographic diagrams with publicly available and custom map services as background
  • Voltage profile plots for feeders

Analysis and Optimisation

Equipment Placement Functions

  • Optimal equipment placement for voltage regulators, batteries, remote controlled switches, reclosers and capacitors