Power Quality and Harmonic Analysis
With the Harmonic Load Flow Calculation and the Frequency Sweep Calculation, the user is able to analyse a network in the frequency domain. Contingencies (unplanned outages) can also be taken into account. The module also includes Flicker Analysis and Filter Analysis functions.
What is a Harmonic Load Flow?
PowerFactory’s Harmonic Load Flow carries out a steady-state network analysis at each frequency at which harmonic sources are defined, thus calculating harmonic indices related to voltage or current distortion and harmonic losses.
What is a Frequency Sweep Calculation?
PowerFactory’s Frequency Sweep is a continuous frequency-domain analysis. Typically used for the calculation of network impedances, the analysis reports resonances identified within the specified frequency range.
Harmonic Load Flow
- Harmonic voltage and current indices (IEC 61000-3-6, BDEW 2008)
- Balanced (positive sequence) and unbalanced (multiphase) model
- Option to consider n-1 / n-k contingencies1
- Unbalanced harmonic sources
- Non-characteristic and inter-harmonics
- Multiple harmonic injections: current and voltage sources, thyristor rectifiers, PWM-converters, SVS, non-linear loads, Norton-equivalents
- Background distortion frequency-dependent R and L values
- Various harmonic distortion indices such as THD, HD, HF, THF, TAD, TIFmx, total RMS currents and voltages, loadings and losses (defined according to IEEE and DIN/IEC standards)
- Harmonic distortion plot with pre-defined distortion limits according to international standards
- Impedance Loci tool for analysing harmonic distortion at connection point
- Waveform plots
- Calculation of K-Factors and Loss Factors for 2-winding transformers (UL1562, EN 50464-3 (replaces BS7821), EN 50541-2, IEEE C.57.110-1998)
Flicker Analysis
- Flicker Assessment (IEC 61400-21):
- Short- and long-term flicker disturbance factor for continuous and switching operations
- Relative voltage changes
- Flickermeter (IEC 61000-4-15):
- EMT or RMS signals
- Support of multiple file formats as COMTRADE, CSV, user-defined, etc.
Frequency Sweep
- Automatic step size adaption or constant step size
- Balanced (positive sequence) and unbalanced network model
- Option to consider n-1 / n-k contingencies1
- Self and mutual impedances/admittances (phase and sequence components)
- Automatic identification of resonances
- Frequency-dependent R and L values and line/cable models
- Spectral density of voltage amplitude/angle
- Risk assessment of sub-synchronous oscillations using radiality factors
Filter Analysis
- Various filter models
- Design and layout parameters
- Filter sizing and verification reports
- Ripple control analysis
1 Requires Contingency Analysis licence