Protection Functions
A comprehensive relay library based on manufacturer-specific protection devices is available and can be used in steady-state and for dynamic simulation. The protection device models are highly detailed and completely aligned with StationWare, allowing settings exchange with real protection devices.
A range of protection concepts is supported, including time-overcurrent, distance, differential, directional, over-voltage and under-voltage, over-frequency and under-frequency, out of step protection and power swing blocking. Various graphical representation of protection device characteristics are available such as Overcurrent-time diagrams with drag and drop functionality, R-X and P-Q diagrams, and diagrams for differential protection. Validation of selected settings can be done graphically via Time distance diagrams or with Overcurrent-time diagrams, or automatically via protection audit tools. Selected settings can be reported in tables and exported for further investigation.
Time-Overcurrent Protection and Distance Protection modules
The Time-Overcurrent Protection module includes general modelling capability, together with dedicated tools for assessing and visualising protection settings. The Distance Protection module adds features specific to distance protection, such as zone reach calculation.
- Comprehensive relay library with relay models suitable for steady-state, RMS and EMT1 calculations
- Synchronisation with DIgSILENT StationWare
- Highly-detailed spreadsheet reports for protection settings (overcurrent, distance, voltage, frequency protection)
- Graphical visualisation and editing of fuses, relays, CTs and VTs including auto layout functionality
- Protection Audit
- Validation tool for protection settings and configurations
- User-configurable fault types assessment
- Automatic determination of protection topology
- Automatic short-circuit calculation
- Multiple predefined reports with auto-identification of critical protection settings (device coordination, device tripping times, fault clearing times)
- Short-Circuit Trace functionality for steady-state simulation of fault clearance and relay responses
1Requires Stability Analysis Functions (RMS) or Electromagnetic Transients (EMT) licence
Time-Overcurrent Protection
- Overcurrent-time diagram with drag & drop functionality including auto-generated graphical legend
- Cable and transformer damage curves
- Motor starting curves
- Automatic display of measured currents
- Steady-state response checks
- Steady-state short-circuit simulation with tracing of individual steps
- Steady-state tripping times for transient or sub-transient current/voltage values
- Transient response checks (requires Stability Analysis functions (RMS) or Electromagnetic Transients functions (EMT))1
- Protection Graphic Assistant
- Customisable short-circuit sweep diagrams including visualisation of protection settings
- Protection Coordination Assistant
- Automatic calculation of overcurrent protection settings
- Support of various coordination methods and setting rules, including user-defined rules
- Protection model features
- Fuses and low-voltage circuit breakers
- Positive-, negative-, zero-sequence inverse and definite time characteristics
- Thermal overload characteristics
- Directional elements supporting cross-, self- and memory polarising, Wattmetric method
- Differential unit with harmonic blocking for multiple harmonic orders
- Generic and detailed manufacturer-specific recloser units
- Signal transmission between relays, inter-tripping, interblocking schemes
- Detailed CT, VT, combined CT/VT , and CVT models including saturation
- Over-, under-voltage inverse and definite time characteristics
- Programmable logic unit
- Over-, under-frequency and df/dt inverse and definite time characteristics2
1Requires Stability Analysis Functions (RMS) or Electromagnetic Transients (EMT) licence
2Requires Stability Analysis Functions (RMS) licence
Distance Protection
- Requires Time-Overcurrent Protection
- P-Q diagrams and R-X diagrams with support of the display of measured impedance trace
- Time-distance diagrams, with metric or calculated display of zone reach in forward and reverse direction
- Protection Graphic Assistant
- Reach of protection zones colourings in diagrams
- Protection Coordination Assistant
- Automatic calculation of protection settings
- Support of various coordination methods and setting rules, including user-defined rules
- Protection model features
- Generic and detailed manufacturer-specific Mho, polygonal distance zones and distance starting units
- Out of step detection and power swing blocking unit1
1Requires Stability Analysis Functions (RMS) or Electromagnetic Transients (EMT) licence