Quasi-Dynamic Simulation
What is quasi-dynamic simulation?
Quasi-dynamic simulation is a series of load flow calculations carried out at specified time intervals, to assess the network state over a period of time.
PowerFactory’s Quasi-Dynamic Simulation function
This tool is particularly suitable for planning studies in which long term load and generation profiles are defined, and network development is modelled using variations and expansion stages. Time steps are fully flexible and QDSL models can be used for modelling specific element behaviour.
- Medium- to long-term simulations based on steady-state analysis
- Time and Time-Profile characteristics for simplified modelling of (recurrent) time series
- Consideration of planned outages, pre-defined events, Network Variations and Expansion Stages
- Flexible definition of simulation time range with arbitrary resolutions
- Simulation plots and tabular reports including statistical analysis
- QDSL-language for user-definable models (load flow and quasi-dynamic equations)
- Support of time-dependent state variables (e.g. state of charge for storages)
- QDSL model encryption funcionality1
- Parallelised simulation using multiple cores
- Use of neural networks for fast approximation of results2
1Requires DPL/DSL/QDSL Encryption Function licence. DIgSILENT does not give any express warranties or guarantees for cryptographic security of encrypted models. In particular, DIgSILENT does not guarantee that the details and functionalities of an encrypted model are secure against all means of access or attack attempts.
2Requires Artificial Intelligence licence