Short-Circuit Analysis

PowerFactory provides short-circuit (fault-level) calculations for single and multiple faults, supporting a range of calculation methods.  In addition to assessment according to commonly used international standards, a superposition method, known as the Complete Method, is offered. This is based on a specific network operating point and provides the required algorithms and precision for determining the “true” or “operational” short-circuit currents without the simplifications or assumptions typically made in standard fault analysis.

  • Support of IEC 60909 (including 2016 edition), IEEE 141/IEEE 551/ANSI C37, VDE 0102/0103, G74 and IEC 61363 norms and methods
  • Calculation of short-circuit currents in DC grids according to IEC 61660 and ANSI/IEEE 946
  • Complete superposition method, including dynamic voltage support of generators connected via power electronics
  • Fast multiple fault analysis of any kind of fault including ­single-phase interruption, inter-circuit faults, broken conductor event, fault sweep along lines, customisable short-circuit sweep diagrams, etc.
  • Short-circuit calculations with Contingency Analysis1, including dedicated reports and a Short-Circuit Calculation for Single Contingency tool

1 Requires Contingency Analysis licence
