Small Signal Stability (Eigenvalue Analysis)
Small Signal Stability is the ability of a power system to maintain synchronism when subjected to small disturbances (e.g. small changes in load or generation).
PowerFactory’s Small Signal Stability module provides an eigenvalue analysis tool that is suitable for both balanced and unbalanced network representations. The calculation can be configured to consider all modes of oscillation in the system, or to perform a selective analysis (especially useful in large networks). It considers not only conventional generation, but also non-conventional generation such as wind turbines, PV systems and HVDC systems. The results can be visualised in eigenvalue plots or tabular reports, including all relevant information such as frequency of oscillation, damping and damping ratio. The participation factors of the state variables, observability (right eigenvectors) and controllability (left eigenvectors) can be visualised in bar and polar plots.
- Full and selective eigenvalue analysis
- Balanced (positive sequence) or unbalanced network representation, including combined AC and DC modelling, with non-conventional generation such as wind turbines, PV systems, HVDC, VSC and other FACTS devices
- Interactive and mutually linked eigenvalue, mode bar and mode phasor plots
- Visualisation of eigenvectors in network diagrams
- Tabular reports of eigenvalues, including damped frequencies, damping time constants
- Detailed reports of oscillatory modes including participation factors of state variables, controllability
and observability