Power Plant and Power System Measurements
In order to be able to operate power systems reliably in the long term, it is becoming increasingly important to determine accurately the properties of the connected equipment. The characterisation of networks from a steady-state and dynamic perspective is best achieved through the execution of specific tests and measurements.
In recent years, power systems worldwide have experienced rapid change, with a general trend towards decarbonisation and the increasing integration of
renewable energies. In order to ensure that power system operation continues with the same degree of security and reliability, grid codes are constantly being adapted, with increasing requirements for compliance to be demonstrated, usually as a prerequisite for the connection to the grid.
DIgSILENT has more than 30 years of experience with power plant and power system tests and measurements, covering a wide range of technologies, including steam turbines, gas turbines, hydraulic power plants and combustion engines, as well as wind and PV parks. In addition, DIgSILENT has extensive experience in carrying out measurements in industrial networks with connected steam processes.

The objectives when carrying out measurements may include the verification of the power plant performance with respect to grid code requirements, measurements to determine the steady-state and dynamic behaviour for model validation, the adjustment of regulator parameters (speed/power regulator, voltage regulator, PSS, etc.), and the determination of generator parameters. DIgSILENT has specialised staff with extensive experience in the planning, coordination and execution of field tests and measurement. Moreover, DIgSILENT has developed its own tools and resources to provide an integrated solution.
Tools and Resources
- DIgSILENT Monitoring Systems for the recording of test results as COMTRADE measurement files
- PowerFactory Master Station, integrated in PowerFactory, for the importing and analysis of COMTRADE measurements
- PowerFactory System Parameter Identification, which provides an easy and accurate method for carrying out model parameter identification based on system test results and field measurements
Services - Overview
- Well-established expertise in the planning, coordination and execution of power plant and power system tests and measurements
- Wide range of technologies (steam, gas, hydro, PV, wind…) and applications (grid code compliance, model identification and validation, tuning of controllers…)
- Integrated solution using exclusively DIgSILENT’s own developed hardware and software products for the recording and analysis of measurements
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