General Terms of Use for the DIgSILENT GmbH Customer Portal

For the use of the customer portal of DIgSILENT GmbH (hereinafter referred to as the "customer portal"), the following terms of use apply in the relationship between you and DIgSILENT GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "DIgSILENT"):

§1 Service description, general access authorisation

  1. The customer portal offers you the opportunity to submit support requests to DIgSILENT in a ticket system and to view a history of old support requests.
  2. Only employees of companies that are, within the meaning of § 14 of the German Civil Code (BGB), legal entities under public law or special funds under public law, and that are existing customers of DIgSILENT, are authorised to use the customer portal.
  3. The customer portal is only available in English. You can send your support enquiries to DIgSILENT in German and English.
  4. By using or registering on the customer portal, you consent to these terms of use.
  5. The use of the customer portal requires your company to have an active maintenance contract with DIgSILENT.

§2 User account, registration, access rights

  1. In order to use the functions of the customer portal, it is necessary to register a personalised user account via our website (hereinafter referred to as the "website"); the registration page on the website is accessible in the Support sectionà Usersà User registration.
  1. On the registration page, you must first enter your personal details and identify yourself as a company registered with us as a customer. The mandatory fields are marked with an *. This also includes actively ticking the checkbox to agree to these terms of use. By clicking the "Register" button, you have completed the registration process and sent your registration request to DIgSILENT.
  2. DIgSILENT will check your registration request, in particular to determine whether you fulfil the requirements of §1.2. In cases of doubt, DIgSILENT is authorised to request further evidence (e.g. submission of a business licence).
  3. In the event of successful registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from DIgSILENT, usually within one working day, after which you can use the customer portal.
  4. The data entered during registration must be correct. If you provide incorrect information during registration or fail to correct it at a later date, DIgSILENT is authorised to exclude you from further use.
  5. You can log in to the customer portal using the email address and password provided during registration. If both details are correct, an email with a numerical code will be sent to your address as part of multi-factor authentication, which must be entered to gain access to the customer portal. The email with the numerical code will be sent from the address .
  6. If you no longer wish to use the customer portal, you can delete your user account by contacting DIgSILENT via the contact form provided on the website or by e-mail ( and requesting deletion.
  7. If a user account is deleted, all tickets created by the user are also deleted from the customer portal and are therefore no longer available to other users of the same company.
  8. DIgSILENT reserves the right to delete user accounts of companies who no longer have a valid maintenance contract.

§3 Duty to co-operate, prohibition of abuse, blocking of the user account

  1. The use of the customer portal with its full range of functions requires a functioning and continuously available internet connection with sufficient bandwidth and the availability of a web browser. You are responsible for providing and maintaining the functionality of the internet connection and the web browser.
  2. Personal access data (such as user ID/password) may not be passed on to third parties and must be kept protected from access by third parties. If there is reason to suspect that unauthorised persons have gained knowledge of the access data, you must contact DIgSILENT immediately and inform them of the unauthorised acquisition of knowledge. In addition, you are obliged to log out properly after visiting the customer portal, i.e. by clicking the "Logout" button. You are liable for all misuse resulting from unauthorised use of the password.
  3. DIgSILENT has the right to exclude you from further use of the customer portal at any time in the event of violations of these terms of use or misuse of the user account. In this case, DIgSILENT is authorised to temporarily or permanently block and/or delete your user account.

§4 Warranty and liability

  1. DIgSILENT is only liable for damages, for whatever legal reasons,
    1. insofar as DIgSILENT, its legal representatives or vicarious agents are guilty of intent or gross negligence,
    2. in the event of culpable injury to life, limb or health,
    3. in the case of defects that DIgSILENT has fraudulently concealed,
    4. in the event of culpable breach of material terms of use,
    5. insofar as liability exists under the Product Liability Act for personal injury or property damage to privately used objects.

DIgSILENT shall not be liable for any further claims for damages.

  1. However, in the event of a slightly negligent breach of material terms of use (excluding intent and gross negligence), DIgSILENT's liability shall be limited to reasonably foreseeable damage typical of the contract.
  2. The foreseeable damage typical of the contract shall be recognised in the amount of the contractual value of the service concerned.

§5 Data protection

DIgSILENT respects and protects your personal data. Your data will be used by DIgSILENT exclusively within the framework of the statutory provisions. Further information can be found in the data protection information.

§6 Data security and use of data

  1. The information and data (textual and as file attachments) provided by you to DIgSILENT as part of the support activity and in the form of tickets will be used exclusively for the purpose of support and to resolve any problems in the calculation software.
  2. The data you provide is only accessible to employees of DIgSILENT GmbH as well as in the context of regional customer support from companies of the DIgSILENT Group.
  3. In exceptional cases, DIgSILENT may grant access to third parties if required, provided this is necessary in the course of solving the problem (e.g. in the course of licence problems with the supplier of the software protection). The prerequisite for this is a confidentiality agreement between DIgSILENT and the third party.
  4. The data is processed in secure environments to which access by unauthorised persons is prevented by adequate measures.
  5. DIgSILENT reserves the right to delete closed tickets, including all data contained therein, from the ticket system after five years at the earliest.

§7 Amendment of the terms of use

  1. DIgSILENT reserves the right to amend the terms of use in a manner that is reasonable for you, insofar as this is necessary to adapt to changes in the legal or technical framework or to expand or supplement the scope of services.
  2. DIgSILENT will expressly notify you of any changes to the terms of use. You are entitled to object the amended terms of use within four weeks of receipt of the notification. If you do not object the amended terms of use in due time, the amended terms of use shall be deemed as accepted if DIgSILENT has informed you of the legal consequences of your silence at the beginning of the period. In the event that you object the amended terms of use in due time, DIgSILENT reserves the right to delete your user account after prior notification by e-mail, since the use of the customer portal is bound to the consent of the terms of use.
    The objection of the amendment is limited to the use of the customer portal and does not affect the maintenance contract. The access to the download area as well as the use of the support hotline is not affected by the objection.

§8 Miscellaneous

  1. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply exclusively to all disputes arising from these terms of use. The application of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and private international law is excluded.
  2. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all claims shall be at the registered office of DIgSILENT.
  3. In the event of discrepancies or inconsistencies between the versions of these terms of use in English and German, the German version shall prevail. This English version is provided for informational purposes only.
  4. Should any provision of these Terms of Use be or become invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain valid. The statutory provisions shall apply in place of the invalid provisions.

Status: 28.01.2025


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