IEEE PowerTech 2023 in Belgrade
We are pleased to announce that we had a successful participation at the IEEE PowerTech 2023 conference in Belgrade, Serbia. We would like to thank all the visitors who came to our exhibition stand and showed interest in our products and services.
We are also pleased to share that DIGSILENT presented two contributions at the conference. Ahsan Murad gave a tutorial on "Distributed Generation Modelling, Simulation and System Studies using DIgSILENT PowerFactory". The tutorial covered the basics of distributed generation modelling, simulation and analysis using PowerFactory. Participants learned how to implement, validate and exchange models of controllers of different types of distributed generators using DSL and Modelica. The tutorial also demonstrated a system study carried out using PowerFactory to investigate the impact of distributed generators on the detection of unintended electrical islands.
José Gómez presented the results of a joint project between CEN (TSO in Chile) and DIgSILENT (Germany) on "Sizing of Synchronous Condensers To Strengthen A Large-Scale Network Model". The aim of the project was to determine the optimal size and location of synchronous condensers to improve the grid strength of the Chilean power system. The project used PowerFactory to model the entire Chilean network, including all transmission lines and substations in the power system from 500 kV down to 69 kV. The presentation demonstrated Power Factory’s ability to analyse large-scale network models and perform advanced optimisation techniques.
We would like to thank the organisers of the IEEE PowerTech 2023 conference for their excellent work and hospitality. We hope to see you at the next PowerTech conference in 2025!