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Refer to the ]attached example for a measured voltage at a bus bar. The inputs of the voltage source are named U_A, U_B, U_C, as you can see in the composite model. These inputs represent the…
A lightning event can be modelled in PowerFactory in two ways: using the built-in impulse source element (ElmImpulse) - recommended approach. using a detailed, user defined DSL model. The first method…
The attached example demonstrates the use of stochastic switching in PowerFactory, including a description on how to use it. The study case contains a DPL script "Stochastic Switching" which…
To model the initial conditions (voltage) of a capacitor bank, you should use a "parameter event" (SetParam) on the variables "uC_a", "uC_b", "uC_c" (signals of the "ElmShnt"). Please find attached an…
To define harmonic background voltages you have to link a voltage source with a DSL model or a fourier source. Refer to the example in the attached file.…
A measurement file object (ElmFile) is used for this purpose. Attached you can find a small example which displays the first 3 channels of a ComTrade file. A measurement file object (ElmFile) is…
The Example on arcing voltage of the Circuit-Breaker, in an EMT simulation, can be found in the Switching Transients example within PowerFactory, study case 08 Short-Circuit CB SF6 Arcing Model, with…
Refer to the attached example. It describes an induction generator with the necessary dynamic models. The reactive power is balanced using a switched capacitor. The dynamic models are a shaft model…
In the attached PowerFactory project, a current source is configured to inject fundamental frequency and harmonic currents into the system. The simple network model contains a current source which is…
An example is provided attached depicting a linear and a non-linear dynamic load model.…