Your search returned 474 items.
An example of Smart grid project based on PowerFactory is the ERDF (French DNO) LINKY Project. ERDF "LINKY" project aims at creating value from the large amount of data from smart meters in terms of…
Several things are generally worth to keep in mind when executing an EMT simulation with PowerFactory: 1. Necessity of accurate representations of line models. PowerFactory offers lumped as well as…
Refer to the attached In PowerFactory the digexdyn interface allows for linking discrete-time models in RMS or EMT simulations: This interface can be used for…
In PowerFactory, the digexfun interface allows for continuous-time as well as discrete time models to be linked into RMS or EMT simulations: With this option you can define your own user defined DSL…
For PowerFactory 2021 and earlier please refer to this example and attached files. For PowerFactory 2022 and onwards, this example is not supported anymore. Instead, a much easier alternative is…
Yes, it is possible with the remark that the new PowerFactory 2016 PF4E licence is only available as softkey. Old PF4E licences can be kept and if the university wishes to get PowerFactory 2016, it…
Yes, this applies for softkeys and hardlocks.…
Generally the softkey license is bound to the machine on which it was activated and - in contrast to a hardlock - it is not intended to be moved to another machine. However, for justified cases, such…
A USB dongle (hardlock) is not bound to a specific computer, so a dongle workstation licence can be used by different users on different machines, as long as the usage is within the entity the…
PowerFactory 15.2 or earlier versions down to PowerFactory 14.1 (Workstation-Licence) or PowerFactory 14.0 (Network-Licence) can still be used with the PowerFactory 2016 and up Licence. Instructions…