How can I model a current limiting fuse?


Current limiting fuses can be modelled in PowerFactory, starting from the version 2025.

They are modelled using the already existing fuse model (RelFuse) and fuse type (TypFuse). The effect can only be investigated using the 'complete' method for Short-Circuit Calculation. The IEC method is not supported.

It is necessary to firstly define the Let-Through Characteristic by enabling the same-name check-mark and filling out the table. The option can be found on the Let-Through Characteristic tab of the Basic Data page, within the fuse type (TypFuse).

Secondly it is important to enable the 'Consider current limiting effects' option on the Short-Circuit Complete page of the fuse element (RelFuse) and enter the desired R/X ratios.

When running the Short-Circuit Calculation command, it is necessary to enable the 'Current Iteration' option, on the 'Complete' page. Detailed explanation on the working principle can be found in the appropriate Technical Reference, which can be accessed by pressing the F1 key, while in the fuse element/type.


Attached project illustrates the effects of current limiting fuses.
