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Just call Deactivate() method on your project. Easiest way to access the project you are using in the script is via GetActiveProject() method. Example: prj=app.GetActiveProject()…
Microsoft Excel can be used by Python scripts if the “Python for Windows Extensions" PyWin32 ( is installed, which includes Win32 API, COM support and…
Graphics such as plots or single line diagrams can be exported using scripts. PowerFactory supports two scripting languages Python and DPL. The following Python script example exports all plots and…
ComPython has a different approach to subscripting as compared to ComDPL. Two methods are shown below: Define a subfunction inside your *.py file. This subfunction can later on be used at any…
This is something typical for Python. What you should do is import imp module and reload the changed one. Imp module is built in module and is part of all python version supported by PowerFactroy. For…
For this tasks you should use the AddCopy() method. For more information on this method refer to our Python technical reference. Example: import powerfactory app=powerfactory.GetApplication() user=…
If a network element is to be added to a project with Python, additional steps must be followed so that the element is also connected and displayed. In the first step, the new network element must be…
For Python, a PowerFactory DPL script (ComDPL) is an object as any other Com* objects (e.g. ComLdf- LoadFlow or ComShc-ShortCircuit,…). You just have to define a variable that represents the ComDpl…
To access an Folder inside of your PowerFactory project you can use GetProjectFolder() method. As input to this method you can just write type of the Folder you would like to access (e.g. ‘scen’…
Define a variable that contains a generator object and use CreateObject() method on it. It is assumed, that there are already characteristics available in the corresponding subfolder of the…