Your search returned 474 items.
The differences between the licence types are explained in the section "Licence Types" on the page Software Editions and Licensing…
You try to connect a power or current measurement device (StaPqmea or StaImea) but you get the message: "Selected Object NodeName 'Terminal' is not a 'Cubicle'". You have to select in this case on the…
If you need to place a current transformer in the neutral of a transformer, you should first distribute the neutral of the transformer. This is achieved by going to the Grounding/Neutral Conductor tab…
PowerFactory supports automatic execution of DPL scripts at user logon. All scripts that shall be executed automatically must be stored in the folder {USERNAME}\Settings\Startup. In case this folder…
Coding directly in Python Shell is quite similar as writing a Python script in PowerFactory. Only difference is that you have to append the system path so that Python would be able to find…
A project can be exported via the API by using a ComPfdexport command. This is demonstrated in the following C++ code snippet. Please note that pfd export is only possible if no project is…
Multiselect the desired network elements, unfreeze the annotation layers and with pressed Ctrl-key add the desired annotation objects to the selection. Move the whole selection of network and…
The CIM profile CGMES is a quite complex profile, where not all is available within each software. Therefore it could happen that some data within the CGMES models are slightly wrong or incomplete.…
From Profile 1 to CGMES, the ENTSO-E boundary has changed in its own structure. Therefore the old boundary grid is not valid anymore. The new boundary can be downloaded directly from the NMD server…
The CGMES Profile includes many objects that do not exist as such in PowerFactory. One example is a transformer, which is represented by two elements (ElmLne and TypLne) in PowerFactory, but various…