Your search returned 474 items.
You can access to Microsoft Word by Python scripts if the “Python for Windows Extensions" PyWin32 ( package is installed, which includes Win32 API, COM…
In the dialog of branch elements such as lines (class ElmLne) the connected terminals are displayed in red color. The same information is displayed in Data Manager as columns "Terminal i",…
A running PowerFactory instance can be terminated via DPL by using the ComExit command. Example: object cmd;cmd = GetFromStudyCase('ComExit'); cmd.Execute();…
The attached project contains a small medium voltage network with four loads of different behaviour. The loads are supplied by a synchronous generator driven by a diesel engine. Additionally there is…
A model of a Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) is included in PowerFactory since Version 2016. The document "PowerFactory 2016 - What's New" gives an overview of the MMC model.…
If you have bmp file containing fuse characteristic then you can import it and digitalise it easily.  Steps to be followed are: Define a New Page of the type Virtual Instrument. Select the…
Open the Project Settings (Edit->Project Data->Project Settings in the Main Menu) and switch to the Input-page. Here it is possible to change the units system from Metric to English-Industry…
A balanced load which has a grounded neutral point, i.e. with the phase technology 3PH PH-E or 3PH YN, can have a zero sequence current flow. This is obvously the case, if a zero sequence voltage is…
The IEEE 13 Node Test Feeder is available as an example project within PowerFactory (File menu -> Examples... -> Tab "Examples from Literature"). The IEEE 13 Node Test Feeder is a distribution…
The attached example project shows three different possibilities to implement automatic voltage regulators (AVR), installed along a line. The most left arrangement uses an auto transformer, where the…