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The Legacy Licence Service is dependent on the CodeMeter Runtime Server. If the CodeMeter Runtime is not successfully started, the Legacy Licence Service cannot find any licence and therefore stopped.…
The short circuit power of the external grid is typically provided by the network operator for the connection point, where the External Grid element represents the network operators grid. The provided…
PowerFactory includes built-in devices to measure current (StaImea), voltage (StaVmea) and power (StaPqmea). Since PowerFactory version 2022, these devices calculate the instantaneous values, true RMS…
The tabular reports for the contingency analysis are stored by default in the folder Database\System\Settings\Formats\Show. The DPL script called “Create” inside the tabular report is the one used to…
There are two ways how this could be done. Depending if you would like to execute dynamic or static calculation. For dynamic simulation (RMS) - Right mouse button selection on the element…
The Python support is based on provision of a Python module that can be imported into Python scripts allowing access to PowerFactory data. The scripts - independent of whether started from within…
The following models are available in PowerFactory (see attachment): Lumped PI model Distributed Constant Parameter, also known as Bergeron model Distributed Frequency Dependent Parameter Modal Domain…
The following code gets the export command from the stadycase and prepares it in such way that the data can be exported as a csv file.  In this example a resultfile of a RMS-Simulation is used…
The AC voltage source can be controlled in RMS simulation by applying different input values to signal sets (u0,f0) or (U0,F0Hz). The first set controls the per unit quantities, the second absolute…
It is not possible to change the voltage set point of an external grid during a simulation. The work around is to replace the external grid by an AC voltage source (ElmVac) and then use one of the…