Your search returned 474 items.
A derating factor can be calculated with the Cable Sizing command considering the installation and environmental conditions of a cable. Select the method “International Standards” and choose a…
The two methods “International Standards” and “Cable Reinforcement” have different use cases that they can used for. These depend on the mode of the calculation and whether you want that new cable…
The example shows the user defined MMC model of the statcom. The model can only be used in the EMT simulation and in PowerFactory 2021 on-wards.…
This white paper documents the implementation of a detailed EMT model of a three terminal HVDC system using 2-Level Voltage Source Converters (VSC) in PowerFactory, and compares the simulation results…
The normal tap changer model of a transformer can adapt the voltage at the LV- or HV-side. The control is applied when the voltage of a certain terminal is violating the upper or lower voltage limit.…
In the attached project a QDSL model is implemented that controls the switching status of a pre-defined breaker. On the load flow page of the QDSL model the study case time is checked against the…
User-defined controls for Load Flow Calculations as well as Quasi-Dynamic Simulations can be implemented by using QDSL (Quasi-Dynamic Simulation Language) models. In the attached project, two…
To simulate the charging behaviour of electric vehicles in PowerFactory the template “DIgSILENT Electric Vehicle” from the global library can be used. This is done by using a QDSL (Quasi-Dynamic…
In this example an IEC compliant DLL based dynamic model named "DFT analyser" is provided intended for EMT simulations. It retrieves the magnitude (i.e. peak value of sine wave) coefficient of a…
In attached example (Detailed Model of a CT) a detailed model of a current transformer is presented. By using the EMT simulation saturation of the current transformer is represented in time domain.…