Your search returned 474 items.
There are several ways to read data from a result file: Use ElmRes.GetValue(): The function reads a specific cell from a result file based on the row and column index. If the entire result file is to…
Please refer to the attached files, containing an EMT-Simulation example of a three-phase three-level neutral point clamped (3L-NPC) converter. The converter controller is available in Matlab Simulink…
In DIgSILENT Library, specific grid-forming (grid forming) converter templates are available and ready to use; a corresponding Technical Reference is also delivered as a reference for additional…
First of all it is important to mention that import means in this context "only" creating the common model and the DSL model objects. It is expected that the types (BlkDef) exist already in the…
The function of a power system stabilizer (PSS) is to extend the small–signal rotor-angle stability limits of the power system by modulating the synchronous machine’s excitation to damp the rotor…
PowerFactory offers with the simulation scan also the possibility to observe the solver. This allows the user to define a parameter simulation scan which can stop the simulation in case of high number…
For grid planning and operating purposes, there are some non-calculation-relevant reasons to model the masts / towers with their exact position and some additional properties in a geographic diagram.…
The Python-script in the attached project makes all elements invisible, that have an activated "out of service" flag (parameter "outserv"). This is done by creating a new graphic layer called "Out of…
PowerFactory provides different load model classes. Besides the general load model (ElmLod) there are specific models for medium voltage loads (ElmLodmv) and low voltage loads (ElmLodlv). These load…
In order to modify the inductance and resistance of the Series Reactor element within an EMT simulation, then the following signals must be set externally from a user defined model (e.g. DSL or…