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In the attached example, a 20Mvar STATCOM provides dynamic reactive power compensation for a set of motors connected to a weak network. The study case "Fault Stability Simulation (RMS)"…
This would be the standard procedure: Open the dialog of the line element by double-clicking on its graphic representation Click on the Sections/Line Loads button. A list with all the sections will…
Printing a diagram can be done via the print icon or by using File, Print… or simply Ctrl+P. If the diagram is to be split up into several pages, this is done by first selecting the Print Range option…
In order to use an AutoCAD drawing as a background information source, proceed as follows: Select the parts of the AutoCAD drawing you are interested in use the AutoCAD export function with the wmf…
The idea of the initialisation is to preset the internal model signals by the results of an initial load flow.The key point is to first check for each DSL-model, which inputs/outputs are known and…
The voltage dependence is defined in the load type (TypLod). Therefore a load type has to be defined in a first step. In its Load Flow tab, the voltage dependence can be configured for active and…
There are several possibilities to calculate the initial conditions. Consider the example y=a*u+b, where y is the output and u the input signal of the model. The initial value of y is known (=0),…
PowerFactory offers intrinsic DSL 2-dimensional approximation functions: lapprox2 and sapprox2. The attached project contains two DSL models for these two functions. The Common Models is stored inside…
To simulate a load event you have to use the EvtLod. The load event works as follows:1. Incremental change Certain percentage of current value, P = P + P*dP/100 (same for Q)2. Absolute change Absolute…
A static load model is always equivalent to a constant impedance model. For modelling any different characteristic, you have to switch it over to 100 percent dynamic. A real constant PQ load model can…