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while importing an UCTE.DEF file with standard settings, one can observe: * no external grids are imported *consequently the short-circuit calculation is based only on the synchronous generator infeed…
By using the option “Add Label with definable Format” out of local menu bar, it is possible to insert a user defined text box in the time-overcurrent plot. Normally there is a pre-defined format…
Debugging a relay model can be advantageous when having trouble with the model. There are multiple cases where you have to debug a relay model. For example the relay does not trip and you want to find…
PowerFactory log files are found in the Workspace area, which normally contains the database, results files and log files, and whose location is configurable by the user. Their primary purpose is to…
There is a way of closing the PowerFactory application in Python without closing the Python In this case you can open PowerFactory by using „app = powerfactory.GetApplicationExt()“ and later on just…
The environment chapter in the scripting references is dedicated to performance increase of scripts. For example, when executing Python scripts from within PowerFactory, there is the possibility to…
The contingency calculation supports also the recording of additional user defined variables. But there is no direct way to display a summary (such as min/max) of these values over all contingencies.…
It is possible to create a shortcut to the PowerFactory.exe and give it some additional commands in order to run PowerFactory in different modes, which will allow you to have the same version of…
The time-domain response of a cable system and overhead line model can be validated based on impedance frequency sweep calculations. With the frequency sweep command your can calculate the transfer…
In PowerFactory WMS/WMTS services can be used as background maps in geographic diagrams. To configure and apply such services, please proceed as follows:1. Login as Administrator.2. Search the Data…