Your search returned 474 items.
In order to create a Bode diagram you will need to use the Model Frequency Response command (ComFreqresp). This command is described within the User manual, section "Frequency Response Analysis",…
From PowerFacory 2019 the maintenance date is included on the license. When starting a PowerFactory version it will be checked if the release date is within the maintenance period to ensure you are…
An AC voltage source (ElmVac) can be controlled in EMT simulations by means of signals gathered from a measurement file (ElmFile) which specifies the time series for the three phase voltages. For that…
The Unit Commitment and Dispatch Optimisation module was new in PowerFactory 2019.  The module solves the unit commitment linear-programming problem over a predefined period of time, while…
The attached script allows the direct plotting of selected signals or states from the graphical block definition. Usage is simple: Import the script (best to the projects script folder), mark the…
This example shows how measured data in Comtrade format can be displayed and replayed. The attached file "" is suitable for PowerFactory versions prior to 2025. Please follow…
With the release of PowerFactory 2016 the licensing system has been re-implemented and is based on a new technology since. Users of former versions of PowerFactory (15.x or previous), need to migrate…
There are various possibilities to ground the star point of transformers. Generally, the grounding is defined on the Basic Data page => Grounding / Neutral Conductor. The following options are…
If during the PowerFactory installation, the process fails with a ‘Windows Installer Error Code 5’ or ‘Windows Installer Error Code 32’, then your system has denied the necessary access rights to the…
The individual phases of the AC voltage source (ElmVac) can be controlled in RMS/EMT simulations. For that purpose, the voltage source (ElmVac) is linked Fourier Sources (ElmFsrc) by a composite…