Your search returned 474 items.
The Cigre waveform is currently not available in the ElmImpulse. However, you can use the current source ElmIac and control it via a DSL model. In the attached project, the DSL model calculates the…
An example is provided in the project attached. The state machine is implemented in the block definition "StateMachine" and it is based on DSL statements. It represents a generic example of how the…
The following FAQ provides an example of a DSL configuration script for initialisation: …
The example attached provides an example of a PLL capable of tracking a single phase EMT type signal. As such, the example is supporting only EMT type simulations. The PLL model is based on the Second…
Refer to attached project, in which a DSL block definition "PLL DSOGI EMT 3PH" contains this functionality. Along with other phase-locked loop (PLL) topologies, the DSOGI (double second order…
Cable systems can be modeled in PowerFactory using either sequence data or geometrical data of the single core cable and cable system arrangement. The PowerFactory project which is attached with this…
There are many possibilities to configure and use the System Parameter Identification for time domain (RSM/EMT) simulations. In the attached example, the saturated reactance of the transformer model…
PowerFactory provides the event category Stop Event (EvtStop) to stop a simulation. In order to trigger such an event, a DSL model can used. The DSL model compares the threshold during the simulation…
High voltage cable systems sometimes require a detailed analysis of voltages and currents in the core and metallic screen (sheath). In order to analyse both voltages and currents along the cable, the…
The Task Automation command (ComTasks) enables the PowerFactory user to run a list of various tasks ranging from specific PowerFactory power system analysis calculation functions up to generic data…